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China Dental Implant Crowns factory

    • 10 posts
    April 20, 2023 8:10 PM PDT

    China Dental Implant Crowns factory Malo bridge is a fixed bridge with a metal frame that is adhered to the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap This type of bridge is most commonly used to replace missing teeth in the front of the mouth. The metal wings of the bridge provide extra stability and strength, while the bar helps to distribute the force of the bite evenly. This type of bridge is often chosen when a patient has a very small amount of space between their teeth. It is also a great option for patients who may not be a good candidate for traditional bridge options due to the size and shape of their teeth. 聽 Advantages 聽 1. A full screw dental Malo bridge is a long-lasting and permanent solution to missing teeth. 2. It is a stable and secure tooth replacement option that offers natural-looking and functioning results. 3. The bridge is supported by titanium screws that are embedded into the jawbone, providing a stronger and more secure fit than traditional bridges. 4. The bridge itself is made from strong and durable materials like porcelain and zirconia, which are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. 5. The screws are designed to be easy to adjust and replace if needed. 6. Full screw dental Malo bridges can be used to replace multiple missing teeth in a row, providing a complete and functional solution to dental problems. 聽 In-Lab Time 3-4 Days Professional technical team QC check each step 聽 Problem case has professional customer service team to communicate in time 聽China Dental Implant Crowns factory website: