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2013 WSOP Europe Day 5: Henrik Johansson Wins Event #2, Ivey in Final 16 of Event #3

  • Posted by admin
  • October 17, 2013 5:14 AM PDT
  • 1 comment

Day 5 of the 2013 World Series of Poker Europe has come to a close, and three events took place at the Casino Barrière d’Enghien-les-Bains on Tuesday. In the leading news of the day, the second gold bracelet of the festival was awarded in Event #2: €1,100 No-Limit Hold’em Reentry. Then, Event #3: €5,300 Mixed-Max No-Limit Hold'em played down to the final 16 players and Event #4: €1,650 Pot-Limit Omaha concluded its Day 1.

Event #2: €1,100 No-Limit Hold’em Reentry



Event #2: €1,100 No-Limit Hold’em Reentry is in the books, and the winner is Sweden’s Henrik Johansson. Johansson defeated Adriano Torre-Grossa heads up to earn €129,700 and the gold bracelet.

Torre-Grossa earned €80,250 for his runner-up finish, while Daniel Weinman, who started the day second in chips, finished in fourth for €43,772.





Henrik Johansson



Adriano Torre-Grossa



Yaniv Botbol



Daniel Weinman



Serge Ekert



Daniel Laidlaw



Jose Obadia



Jean-Philippe Tuffery



Andrei Konopelko


Serge Ekert started Day 3 with the smallest stack (less than five big blinds), but doubled twice during the last 24 minutes of Level 18. In the first hand, Ekert’s  held up against Daniel Laidlaw’s , and in the second his  held up against Johansson’s . Suddenly, Ekert had 120,000 and 15 big blinds heading into Level 19.

Andrei Konopelko, who entered the day with the third-smallest stack, was the first player to exit the final table. Konopelki three-bet all in for 99,000 from the big blind after Johansson opened on the button. The Swede tanked briefly before calling with the , which crushed Konopelki’s . The jacks held up, and Konopelki hit the rail in ninth place.

Three hands later, Jean-Philippe Tuffery followed Konopelko out the door. He moved all in for just under 14 big blinds with the , and Torre-Grossa looked him up with the . The dominant hand held, and Tuffery was out in eighth.

At the start of seven-handed play, Yaniv Botbol, who started the day with 14 big blinds, doubled twice. He found kings against Jose Obadia’s pocket tens and  against Johansson’s , rocketing his stack from 104,000 to 420,000.

Seven-handed play also marked the demise of Obadia. He got his money in good with the  against Johansson’s  and flopped a pair of sevens, but the Swede found a straight as the board came , and the Spaniard hit the rail in seventh.

At the start of Level 20, Torre-Grossa received a massive, half million-chip double through Botbol. Both players flopped a top pair of kings, and the money went in the middle, but Torre-Grossa’s queen-kicker was superior to Botbol’s four-kicker. The turn and river both produced blanks, and all of Botbol’s progress was lost.

Professional Daniel Laidlaw was unable to get anything going at the final table, and exited in sixth place. On a board of , Laidlaw bluff-shoved with ace-high, and, after calling a bet on the turn as well, Torre-Grossa called with the  for one pair. Laidlaw was forced to show , then hit the rail.


The final hand

Four hands later, Ekert was eliminated in fifth place. He found himself with a very small stack before moving all in for around six big blinds with the , and Botbol called with the . Botbol made the nut flush when the flop, turn, and river produced the , and Ekert was off to collect €32,992 from the cage.

The self-appointed “inventor of fantasy land,” Daniel Weinman, was the next player at the final table to bust. Weinman was relatively quiet during the day, and on his final hand he three-bet shoved for 292,000 out of the small blind. Johansson cold-called from the big blind, Torre-Grossa, the original raiser, folded, and the hands were opened.


The flop fell , giving Weinman a backdoor flush draw and a backdoor wheel draw to possibly chop, but the turn and river bricked with the  and , respectively.

After a roller-coaster day, which saw him take the chip lead at one point, Botbol busted in third place. He was in great shape to double with the  against Johansson’s  on a board of , but the  spiked on the river to give Johansson a bigger set.

The Swede began heads-up play with a roughly 1.6-to-1 chip advantage, and 22 hands later he was the champion. Torre-Grossa check-raised all in with the  on a flop of , and Johansson called with the  for top two pair. The turn and river both produced aces (the  and ), and Johansson joined Jackie Glazier as the second player to win a bracelet at the 2013 WSOP Europe.

Event #3: €5,300 Mixed Max No-Limit Hold'em



Five players, including Mohsin Charania and Faraz Jaka, entered at the start of Day 2 of this event, bringing the total field size to 140. This generated a total prize pool of €672,000, with €188,160 and the coveted gold bracelet going to the winner. Only 16 players survived six-handed play, guaranteeing themselves a minimum of €14,905, and the chip leader is Noah Schwartz.

Schwartz bagged 262,000 chips — a healthy 109 big blinds — and joining him for four-handed play on Day 3 will be Shannon Shorr, Jason Mann, James Dempsey, Joe Kuether, and nine-time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Ivey.





Noah Schwartz



Shannon Shorr



Jason Mann



James Dempsey



Joe Kuether



Dan O'Brien



Ville Mattila



Mark Newhouse



Nikolaus Teichert



Phil Ivey



Jeremy Joseph



Jake Schwartz



Wai Kin Yong



Marc Trijaud



Darko Stojanovic



Marc McLaughlin


Schwartz won a nice-sized pot off of Shannon Shorr during the final level of the evening. According to WSOP.com, the two took a flop of , and Schwartz check-called a bet of 6,500. He check-called another bet of 14,500 after the  turned, and the river brought a repeat king and a third heart — the . Schwartz checked for a third time, Shorr slid forward 34,500, and Schwartz tank-called.

"You're good," Shorr muttered.

This prompted Schwartz to show the  for kings and nines, raking in the pot.

Shorr received a massive double up on the last hand of the night, however, when he flopped a set against Wai Kin Yong. Shorr moved all in for 91,000 on the turn of a  board, and Yong tanked for an excruciatingly long time before calling with the . Shorr rolled over the , and Yong was drawing dead.


Ivey was all smiles on Day 2

While Shorr was raking in a huge pot, Poland's Marcin Wydrowski exited on the bubble. He got his short stack in the middle preflop against November Niner Mark Newhouse and Nikolaus Teichert. The two checked it down on a board of , and Teichert took the pot with the . Wydrowski's hand was opened by the tournament director as the Polish pro exited the venue — it was the .

Along with Newhouse, fellow November Niner Marc McLaughlin is in the money, but he will begin Day 3 with only 10 big blinds.

Ivey, who won his ninth bracelet Down Under at the 2013 WSOP Asia-Pacific, bagged 90,500 chips (37.7 big blinds).

Among the players to bust before the money were Shawn Buchanan, Scott Clements, Jeff Gross, Konstantin Puchkov, Bruno Fitoussi, Chris Klodnicki, and Phil Hellmuth.

After tripling up to over 20 big blinds, Hellmuth lost a flip with the  against Shorr's . Klodnicki was eliminated with the  against the  on a flop of  — the river was a club. Clements called all in with the , but couldn't improve against Jake Schwartz's . And Buchanan bubbled the bubble, moving all in for a little more than six big blinds with the  and losing to Shorr's .

The remaining 16 players will return on Wednesday and play until only four remain. Those four will enter a heads-up bracket for the bracelet.

Event #4: €1,650 Pot-Limit Omaha



While most of the focus in France was on the Event #2 final table and the action in Event #3, Event #4 kicked off, attracting 184 runners. Leading the 34 survivors was Ryan Chapman, a Maryland native who bagged 96,600 in chips. Chapman jumped out to a very early lead, eliminating several players including Barry Greenstein, Alan Gold, and Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi.

Mizrachi flopped a straight against Chapman, who held the nut-flush draw, and the turn brought him a third spade. The Grinder hit the rail, while Chapman moved to Day 2 with over 120 big blinds.

Earlier in the summer, Chapman finished third in the $3,000 Pot-Limit Omaha event at the WSOP after entering the final table second in chips. Chapman told PokerNews after play that he's looking to improve upon that finish and bring home a bracelet.

Also surviving the day were Jan-Peter Jachtmann (69,900), Jason Mercier (46,700), Jeremy Ausmus (39,400), and Gjergj Sinishtaj (23,400). Jachtmann won the 2012 $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha bracelet, Mercier has two WSOP bracelets in the game, Ausmus is a member of the 2012 November Nine, and Sinishtaj finished sixth in the 2013 $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha event at the WSOP for $153,372.

The 184-player field generated a total prize pool of €270,480. The top 21 players are guaranteed a minimum of €2,997, each member of the final table will walk away with €6,335, and the winner will take home €70,324 along with the gold bracelet. Mercier has a little extra riding on the tournament — if he wins, he'll earn an extra €130,000 from Ivey.

Ivey and David Benefield, one of the players he bet on against Mercier, both failed to survive. Ivey hopped into Event #4 after bagging in Event #3 but failed to run up a stack, and Benefield busted as well.

Other players who hit the rail during Day 1 include Vitaly Lunkin, Brandon Cantu, Dominik Nitsche, Jeff Rossiter, and WSOP Player of the Year leader Matthew Ashton.

Day 2 of Event #4 will begin at 1 p.m. local time on Wednesday.


1 comment
  • admin
    admin Great news! Really!
    October 18, 2013